Local Award Sponsors
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by Allison Neal 8 years, 4 months ago
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Vermont Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Fair Partners:
Vermont Funding Partners
Vermont Partners Providing Judges and Other Services
Vermont Award Partners:
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Special Awards Summarized (scroll down to see details) |
Total Value
Grade and Area(s)
Vermont Principals' Association Scholarship
Confirmed for 2016
One of original award partners
$250 |
Grade 12; any area
Vermont STEM Fair- ISEF Committee Awards
Confirmed for 2016
Award partner for 11 years
See below for details.
grades 9-12; any area |
VSTEMF MS Scholarship for Agricultural Research
Confirmed for 2016
Award partner for 2 years
grades 5-8; agricultural focus |
VSTEMF HS Scholarship for Agricultural Research
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 2 years |
$200 |
grades 9-12; agricultural focus
VSTEMF Scholarship for Computer Science
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 2 years
grades 5-8; computer science
VSTEMF Ted Marsden Memorial Scholarship
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 4 years
See below for details. |
grades 5-8; group project |
Green Mountain College
Confirmed but modified for 2015
Norwich University Confirmed for 2016
Saint Michael's College Confirmed for 2016
Vermont Technical College Confirmed for 2016
Castleton College Confirmed for 2016
see description
generally grades 9-11, Next Generation Scholarships offered to winners of selected awards, |
AllEarth Renewables
Confirmed for 2016
Award partner for 5 years
See below for details.
grades 9-12; solar or wind renewable energy |
American Chemical Society --
Green Mountain Local Section
Confirmed for 2016
One of original award partners
See below for details.
grades 9-12; chemistry
grades 5-8 if an outstanding project in chemistry
Biophysical Society
Confirmed for 2016
Award partner for 3 years
$100 plus more
See below for details
grades 9-12; biophysics |
Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Confirmed for 2016
Award partner for 4 years
See below for details
any grade; food related, but preference to dairy |
Community College of Vermont
New for 2016!
See below for details
any grade; project that improves Vermont's Communities and people |
Desai Management Consulting
Confirmed for 2016
Award partner for 2 years |
$250 |
grades 9-12; best project demonstrating project management |
Dufresne Group Consulting Engineers
Confirmed for 2016
Award partner for 6 years
Also see Vermont Partners
$200 |
grades 9-12; engineering |
Eagle Hill Institute Prize
Confirmed for 2016
Award partner for 8 years
See below for details.
any grade: any project involving natural history |
Efficiency Vermont
Confirmed for 2015- declined for 2016
Award partner for 2 years
See below for details.
any grade; project investigating ways to improve energy efficiency |
ESEC--Ethical Science Education Coalition
Confirmed for 2016
One of original award partners
See below for details.
any grade; humane project involving animals |
First Light Technologies
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 2 years
See below for details.
grades 9-12; best project using UV light and its effectiveness in germicidal/sterilization applications |
Green Mountain Water Environment Association
Confirmed for 2016
One of original award partners
See below for details.
any grade; water quality and pollution
Haematologic Technologies, Inc.
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 7 years
Also see Vermont Partners
$500 |
grades 9-12; project in biology or chemistry and development
of new or improved biotechnology
Logic Supply, Inc. NEW in 2014!
Confirmed for 2015-declined for 2016
Award Partner for 2 years
$60 |
any grade; best demonstration of computer science |
Northeast Branch American Society for Microbiology
Confirmed for 2016
One of Original Award Partners
$200 |
any grade; microbiology, biotechnology, microbial genetics |
Northeast Section, Institute of Food Technologists
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 7 years
$700 + up to an
additional $400
See below for details.
any grade; food-related science project |
Polhemus, Innovation in Motion
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 6 years
$100 |
grades 9-12; project in physics, math, or engineering |
Renewable NRG Systems
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 7 years
$250 |
any grade; renewable energy, with a preference for wind power |
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 4 years
Vermont Partner for 7 years
$200 |
any grade: project concerning human behavior |
Society of Women Engineers
North Country Section
Confirmed for 2016
One of original award partners
up to $200 |
any grade; young woman with project in engineering, physics,
math, or computer science
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 5 years
$240 |
any grade; competent use of the internet
Stockholm International Water Institute
Confirmed for 2016
One of original award partners
National Competition at
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
See below for details. |
grades 9-12; water-related
Superior Technical Ceramics Corporation
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 4 years
Any 5-12 student or group project from Franklin County
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
Norwich University Chapter
Confirmed for 2016
One of original award partners
any grade; engineering or physics |
TCorp, Inc.
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 6 years
$150 |
any grade; energy conservation |
Vermont Academy of Arts and Science
Confirmed for 2016
One of original award partners
$200 |
grade 12; project demonstrating exemplary research techniques |
Vermont Chapter of Sigma Xi
Confirmed for 2016
One of original Award Partners
$200 |
any grade; any project area |
Vermont Energy Education Program
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 5 years
$60 See below for details.
grades 5-8; best project using electricity
Vermont Organization of Nurse Leaders
Confirmed for 2016
Award Partner for 7 years
$50 |
any grade; project related to nursing |
VERMONT PRINCIPALS' ASSOCIATION: is the overall sponsoring organization for the Math and Science Fair. In addition to the gold and silver medals awarded to projects judged superior and excellent, they will award a $250 scholarship to the top senior project in any area. |

VERMONT SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH FAIR ISEF COMMITTEE: Three students judged to have the top high school (grades 9-12) projects, and those students' teachers, will win an all-expense paid trip to Phoenix, AZ, from May 8-13, 2016, to participate in the 65th ISEF. There they will compete for millions of dollars in prizes with about 1600 other finalists from around the world.
The finalists will find unimagined opportunities to learn, mingle with like-minded peers, network for his/her future, and get a real taste of the exciting world of successful academicians (including opportunities to attend presentations by Nobel laureates). Both teacher and finalist will come home loaded with new ideas through exposure to other projects and training sessions that occur.
For additional information about ISEF, see their web site or contact Carl Pinkham of the Vermont Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math Fair ISEF Committee at 802-485-2319 or e-mail pinkhamc@norwich.edu.

VSTEMF Agricultural Award: The VSTEMF, in recognition of the importance of Agriculture to Vermont's economy, has created an award for the top projects conducting agricultural research. A total prize of $200 will be awarded to one or two top projects in this category in middle and junior high school and $200 will be awarded to one to two top projects in this category in high school.

VSTEMF Middle School Computer Science Award: The VSTEMF, in recognition of the importance of computer science to Vermont’s economy, presents an for the top project in middle and junior high school. This category is intended to provide an incentive equivalent to the ISEF INTEL Computer Science Award that provides the same amount of incentive ($200) to grades 9-12.
TED MARSDEN MEMORIAL AWARD-Middle School: The VSTEMF, in recognition of Ted's long and dedicated service to the middle school group projects which he loved to judge and MathCounts which he also loved to judge and teach, will award $100 to each of the group members collaborating on the best middle school group project.

ALLEARTH RENEWABLES: AllEarth Renewables will award one prize of $300 to the best high school project in either solar or wind renewable energy and a $100 prize to each of two outstanding high school projects in either solar wind or renewable energy.
AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY - GREEN MOUNTAIN LOCAL SECTION: ACS-GMLS will award three prizes for projects in any area of chemistry. The top chemistry project will receive $100 and the next two projects will each receive $50. Grade 9-12 projects are eligible. In addition, each winner will receive subscriptions to scientific journals with a value of $65. Optional prize to an outstanding chemistry project in grades 5-8.
BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY: The Biophysical Society will award $100 to the best biophysics-related project by a high school student. This student will also receive recognition in upcoming Biophysical Society publications. |

CABOT CREAMERY COOPERATIVE will award a cheese basket worth $75 to the best project dealing with foods, but with a preference to dairy. Projects at any grade level are eligible.

COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF VERMONT: CCV will award a messenger bag, two reusable bags and one memory stick to each of two outstanding projects that recognize scientific endeavors that better Vermont’s communities and the people of the state. The messenger bag and accompanying prizes, worth $125 each, support students as they continue to pursue their academic goals.”
The Desai Management Consulting will award $250 to the high school project that best exemplifies the principles of project management methodology (initiating, planning, executing and monitoring, and closure)
The DuFresne Group of Consulting Engineers will award $200 to the high school project that best exemplifies the principles of engineering.

EAGLE HILL INSTITUTE: The Eagle Hill Institute will provide a 5-year, $144, subscription to the Northeastern Naturalist, the premier regional natural history journal for research conducted in the northeastern US and eastern Canada to the best project, any grade, featuring natural history research. The winner will be given a registration waiver (worth $121) to attend next Year's annual meeting of the NE Natural History Conference.

Top consideration will be given to the student to present his/her project as a platform or poster presentation at that meeting and if the student is accepted, the student and his/her adult escort/teacher will receive a $500 travel allowance from the VSSMF.

For School: An award of $200 to secure alternatives to dissection of their choice. These alternatives can include, but are not limited to programs and licenses.
For student: an honorarium of $50, a "Dissection Choice" Tee-shirt and the book, "From Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse, 2nd Ed."
Projects must promote awareness, compassion and understanding of animals as well as showing that good science can be accomplished without the use of animals. To be considered for an award, a student must not cause physical or psychological harm to any animal in any way, and students may not obtain animals specifically for this project nor use animals in any way other than naturalistic observation or non-invasive behavioral research. Project suggestions include: 1) observe animals in the wild or companion animals at home, 2) develop a computer simulation of animals in their environment, 3) test ways cosmetics and other products can be compared without harming animals, 4) test alternatives to dissection, or 5) explore new promising technologies like organs on a chip and what we will be able to better accomplish through them. Projects in any grade level are eligible.
FIRST LIGHT TECHNOLOGIES, INC: First Light Technologies, Inc., will award a $250 prize for the best project involving UV light and its effectiveness in germicidal/sterilization applications. Projects in grades 9-12 are eligible.
Student interested in this project topic may visit or phone First Light’s facility in Poultney, VT, and speak with the product and process engineers in support of their project development and research.
Arrangements for visits/calls may be coordinated through Jeanette Maliniak 802 287 4195 x17 or jmaliniak@firstlightusa.com.
GREEN MOUNTAIN WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION: GMWEA will award a total of $500 in prizes (savings bonds) to several projects involving water pollution control, water quality, and drinking water. Projects at any grade level are eligible and the number of projects will be determined by the judges after reviewing all the projects on fair day.
HAEMATOLOGIC TECHNOLOGIES, INC: Haematologic Technologies, Inc., will award a $500 prize for the best project in biology or chemistry focused on the development of new or improved biotechnology. Projects in grades 9-12 are eligible.
NORTHEAST BRANCH AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MICROBIOLOGY: NBASM will award two $100 prizes to the top two projects in the area of microbiology, biotechnology and microbial genetics. Projects at any grade level are eligible.

VSSMF will provide up to $100 to each winner for travel expenses.
NORTHEAST INSTITUTE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGISTS: NEIFT will award a cash prize to up to four projects in food science. The total amount of these four prizes will be $700. In addition, each award winner and an adult escort will receive tickets for the annual NEIFT award dinner in Marlborro, MA.
Polhemus, Innovation in Motion: Polhemus will provide a prize of $100 to the project high school project demonstrating an exceptional understanding of physics, mathematics, or engineering.
RENEWABLE NRG SYSTEMS: Renewable NRG Systems will provide a prize of $250 to the best project, any grade, on renewable energy, with wind power given preference.
RSG: RSG will award $250 to the project that best identifies an opportunity to apply mathematics, science, or statistics to understand human behavior. This prize is open to all grade levels.
Sovernet: Sovernet will award webhosting for one website up to 500 megs for a year to a student in any grade whose project demonstrates competent use of the internet. |
SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS--NORTH COUNTRY SECTION: SWE will award one $100 prize to a young woman whose outstanding project involves engineering, physics, computer science, or math. A second young women with similar credentials may also win $100.
Projects at any grade level are eligible.
STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL WATER INSTITUTE: Stockholm International Water Institute awards the Stockholm Junior Water Prize for an outstanding water-related research project by a young person or group of young people in grades 9-12 and between the ages of 15-20.
The Green Mountain Water Environment Association will present the top 3-5 applicable projects with regional awards at the Vermont State Science and Math Fair. These winners will then be eligible to submit their projects to the New England Water Environment Association for further evaluation. Any of these VSSMF projects could be selected (and one of them usually is) to represent Vermont at the national competition. The NEWEA and the national organization, the Water Environment Federation, fund the trips to these competitions. The National winner will compete in Stockholm for a prize of $5000 and a blue crystal sculpture of a water droplet.
SUPERIOR TECHNICAL CERAMICS CORPORATION: STC will offer a $1000 award to the best individual or group project in grades 5-12 from a school in Franklin County. This award is offered as a way for STC to encourage its neighbors to strive for STEM excellence.

TAU BETA PI ENGINEERING HONOR SOCIETY--NORWICH UNIVERSITY CHAPTER: Tau Beta Pi, NU Chapter will award a $50 prize for a top project involving engineering or physics. Projects at any grade level are eligible.
TCorp: TCorp Inc., Energy Management Services, will award $150 to the best project in any grade demonstrating some aspect of energy conservation. Projects that test solar design, alternative energy, insulation, alternative fuels, to name a few, will be considered.

VERMONT ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCE: VAAS will award one $200 prize to the top project showing good research techniques. Projects in grade 12 in any area of science or mathematics are eligible.
VERMONT CHAPTER OF SIGMA XI: Sigma Xi will award two, $100 prizes to two of the top projects showing good research techniques. Projects at any grade level are eligible. |
Vermont Energy Education Program: VEEP will award a solar/hand-crank/AC power Eton radio/light/siren combination to the middle school student with the best project exploring renewables and efficiency to encourage that student to continue his/her interest. The school of the winning student will be specifically invited to receive one of VEEP's free Energy Education presentations.
VERMONT ORGANIZATION OF NURSE LEADERS: VONL will award a $50 prize to a project involving health, nutrition, or human physiology with relevance to nursing. Projects at any grade level are eligible. |
Society of Manufacturing Engineers
Green Mountain Chapter 204
STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL WATER INSTITUTE: Stockholm International Water Institute will award the Stockholm Junior Water Prize for an outstanding water-related research project by a young person or group of young people in grades 9-12 and between the ages of 15-20. The Green Mountain Water Environment Association will select the top applicable project at the Vermont State Science and Math Fair. This project and any others from the VSSMF they deem eligible, will then be presented at the New England regional competition. At this competition, any of these VSSMF projects could be selected (and one of them usually is) to represent Vermont at the national competition. The GMWEA and the national organization funds the trips to these competitions. National winners will compete in Stockholm for a prize of $5000 and a blue crystal sculpture of a water droplet.
Criteria & List of contenders by project #
Local Award Sponsors
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