

Page history last edited by Allison Neal 8 years ago

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Welcome to the

Vermont Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Fair!






This website is no longer being updated.  

This website has information from previous fairs (2016 and before) and will be left up for the time being as a resource for anyone looking for information from these fairs.  However, if you're looking for up-to-date information on upcoming fairs, please visit our new website (link below).



Our new website is:






Schedule and Directions


Using Science, Technology, Engineering and Math to keep the next generation in Vermont



Fair date for this year: April 1, 2017

 Fair location: Norwich University, Northfield VT

Submissions for science fair projects will open February 5 and be due by March 5th 2017

Submission instructions will be available here- check back soon!


Awards for 2015 at National and International Competitions:

Taylor Hall from Missisquoi Valley Union High School wins Honorable Mention at I-SWEEEP in Houston, TX


2016 Special Awards


2015 Awards Ceremony Program


2015 Abstract Book


2015 Award Ceremony Speaker, Nevil Desai,

at 2014 Genius Olympiad in Oswego, NY!!




VSSMF wins accolades at the 2014 ISEF for its Scientific Review Committee Procedure:

"We acknowledge the excellent job that you and your students did in adhering to the International Rules and in providing the proper documentation in the initial submission of the project paperwork."  Our process earned the Gold Seal below.




Exciting Opportunities for Teachers and Students


Vermont Partners


Wildcat Inventors Workshop





Industry & Academic Partners make the

Vermont Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Fair possible. 

Contact us to find out how you can too!


Local and national partners make available over $8,000 in cash awards and $13,000 in trips and expenses.  Vermont Post-Secondary schools provide Vermont Next Generation Scholarships worth nearly than $900,000 to students.   Many of these and other partners provide invaluable additional services.


Join these Participating Schools using our Educator Outreach resources.




We are affiliated with the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair which awards additional prizes and makes our participation in the Broadcom MASTERS competition possible.  We are also affiliated with the Stockholm Junior Water Prize, I-SWEEEP, and the Genius Olympiad.  These programs bring another $9,000 to Vermont students and their teachers.


We encourage our high school junior winners to consider entering their project in the Siemens Foundation Competition and the Intel Science Talent Search in the early fall of their senior year. Team project winners in grades 9-12 should also consider entering their project in the Siemens Foundation Competition.  These are poster presentation competitions, just like the VSSMF. 


Advanced high school students should consider entering their projects in the Sigma Xi Student Research Showcase, This is a virtual presentation competition scheduled for mid-late March.


We also encourage all grade 9-12 entrants to consider entering the Regional Junior Science and Humanities Symposium.  This is a platform presentation of your project. Our 13-18 year old entrants should also consider entering their project on line in the Google Science Fair.


Another competition with ample rewards for both the school and students is Samsung’s Solve for Tomorrow.  This is a challenge to prepare a video showing "How STEM can be applied to help improve your local community."  Each state that provides entries will have at least  one winner.  A fourth competition is the At-Large BioGeneius Challenge. It is a virtual competition for research in biotechnology.


Should a student need mentoring or financial assistance for any of these programs, contact us.


For other competitions in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) check out the Vermont ESTEAM Network.






VSTEMF Contact Information:


Allison Neal


(note- we are currently having some difficulty with the scifair email address.  Please bear with us- it should be resolved soon!)


ISEF Contact Information:


Curtis Belton

cbelton@sbschools.net or beltoncurtis@aol.com




Carl Pinkham




VSTEMF Board of Advisors


Future Dates

2017 1 April

2018 24 March


 Contact us if you need help meeting our deadlines or guiding your students through the process. 

We are here to help!



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