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Vermont Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Fair Partners:
Vermont Funding Partners
Vermont Award Partners
Vermont Partners Providing Judges and Other Services:
Academic, Professional and Industry Partners Providing Judges 2012-15:
Vermont Post-Secondary School Partners
Norwich University, Northfield
Vermont Technical College, East Randolph
University of Vermont, College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Burlington
Middlebury College, Middlebury
Saint Michael's College, Colchester
Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Vermont STEM Professional Partners
American Chemical Society, Green Mountain Local Section
Vermont Entergy Women in Nuclear
Green Mountain Water Environment Association
Northeast Branch, American Society for Microbiology
Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Green Mountain Chapter
Society of Women Engineers, North Country Section
Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society, Norwich University Chapter
Vermont Academy of Arts and Sciences
Vermont Chapter of Sigma Xi
Vermont Organization of Nurse Leaders
Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering
Vermont Astronomical Society
Vermont State Government Partners
Fish & Wildlife/Agency of Natural Resources
Vermont Industry Partners
BioTek, Winooski
DuBois & King Inc., Randolph
ecs Consulting, Waterbury
Enpro, Williston
Goodrich, Vergennes
Green Mountain Power, Colchester
IBM, Essex Junction
Lake Champlain International, Colchester (water or fisheries related)
Liquid Measurement Systems, Georgia
Microprocessor Designs Inc., Shelburne
Nathaniel Group, Vergennes
National Life Group, Montpelier
Neagley & Chase Construction, Inc., Burlington
Phoenix Chemistry Services, North Ferrisburg
Polhemus, Colchester
Small Dog Electronics, Waitsfield
Resource Systems Group, White River Junction
Transcendev - Heightened Innovation, Gaysville
Velco, Rutland
Vermont Energy Education Program, Burlington
Weston and Sampson Engineers, Inc. Waterbury
(If you have an advanced STEM degree or ample STEM experience and would like to judge, please contact Tricia Finkle, scifair@norwich.edu, for details.)
Cash, Product, or Internship Prizes
See our list of Local Award Partners for partners already participating with cash and product prizes.
(If your firm or organization would like to award a cash, product, or internship prize, please contact Carlos Pinkham, pinkhamc@norwich.edu, for details.)
Sponsoring Support
See our list of Vermont Partners for firms, organizations, and academic institutions already sponsoring us with cash and products.
Partners Providing Reviewers for the VSSMF Scientific Review Committee, 2015
(If you have an advanced STEM degree or ample STEM experience and would like to be part of the SRC, please contact Carlos Pinkham, pinkhamc@norwich.edu, for details.)
Partners Providing Other STEM* Services:
Vermont Teachers' Day in Industry
IBM (International Business Machines), Essex, Vermont
MMIC (Mobile Medical International Corporation, St. Johnsbury, Vermont
Vermont Astronomical Society
Orchard Hill Observatory, Grand Isle, Vermont
Omega Optical, Brattleboro, Vermont
(If your firm or organization is interested in joining the effort to teach the teachers, please contact Tricia Finkle, scifair@norwich.edu, for details.)
Seventh Generation, Burlington
Lake Champlain International, Colchester (water or fisheries related)
Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies, Burlington
(If you would like to be a mentor of one or more students by helping to identy a research project and/or guide them during their research, please contact Tricia Finkle, scifair@norwich.edu, for details.)
Supplies or Services for Research and Teaching
Chroma Technology Corp, Bellows Falls: Optical Handbooks for Fluorescence Microscopy & wall posters of fluorescence images
Eagle Optical: Binoculars for Teacher's Day Astronomy Kit
BluBin, Burlington: 3-D files are printed at cost
(If you are looking for supplies or have supplies or services for students to use, please contact Tricia Finkle, scifair@norwich.edu, for details.)
Space/facilities for Students Doing Research
Lake Champlain International, Colchester, Vermont (water or fisheries related)
(If you are looking for space or have space for students to use, please contact Tricia Finkle, scifair@norwich.edu, for details.)
Goods or Services
(If you would like to provide goods or services, preferably related to the product of your firm, that reduce our costs, please contact Tricia Finkle, scifair@norwich.edu, for details.)
Leads to other Partners
Bennington County Industrial Corporation, Bennington
Cabot Creamery Coop, Cabot
Eagle Hill Foundation, Steuben, Maine
Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies, Burlington
If you know people, firms, and organizations we are not already partnered with, please contact Carlos Pinkham, pinkhamc@norwich.edu, for details.)
Promoting the VSSMF to Vermont Teachers and Students
Vermont FabLab, Burlington
Franklin County Industrial Development Corporation, St Albans
if you want to promote what VSSMF can do to build enthusiasm for STEM in your community, let us know and get your organization and link posted here.
errors or omissions on this page? please contact us at scifair@norwich.edu
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