Weekly Sky Observation Activity
modified from an activity by Liz LaRosa
Name _________________________________________________ Homeroom ___________________ DUE DATE __________________
Parent Signature ______________________________________________ Observation # 1 2 3 4 5 (Circle)
You are to make 1 weekly observation between a Thursday and the following Wednesday night.
Hand in observation on Thursday during class. (Don't procrastinate! Weather conditions may not be suitable)
Use your magnetic compass, stargazing mat, planisphere and astrolabe to accurately record your observations.
Spend at least 10-15 minutes carefully observing and recording what you see.
Sun Rise _________ am
Date :
Sun Set _________ pm
Time: ___________am/pm |
Moon Rise _______ am/pm
Moon Set _______am/pm
Viewing condition:
Sketch of Moon &
Phase (if seen)
Sketch of Observation: Be sure to include landmarks such as the Horizon, trees, buildings,& label North, South, East and West. Also note at least one major constellation, such as the Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Cassiopeia, or Orion
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